Successful? Why, yes I am.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Expect the best for 2007!

Happy new year everyone. Expect the very best for 2007!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Starting a new blog!!

Ive decided to start a more tech specific blog.
The blog is called CCNP? Yes I AM . It will focus around my study and efforts to attain Cisco CCNP certification in 2007. Its an ambitious goal, but definitely achievable.

I bought a domain (*shock - horror*). I'll use Wordpress as it feels more superior to Blogger.

Its still very much in its infancy stage, so give me another couple of months to have some decent content on there :)

Heres the link;

Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Power of Positive Thinking

I bought an audio CD of The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale.

Im currently listening to it, (going through second listening), I hope to write a breif summary on what its about and the key concepts it discusses.

Will keep the blog posted.

Making money consciously

An excellent article posted by Steve Pavlina... Making Money Consciously

Good read.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Casino Royale

Watched Casino Royale the new Bond movie last night. I highly recommend anyone who hasnt seen it yet, to go and watch it at your local cinema.

After coming back from the cinemas, I got to thinking how much training such M16, CIA, FBI agents etc would require especially field agents. I then also realised that personal development is a form of training. The more you practice what you want the better you get. (It was one of those moments where I think the bluntness of this idea really hit me :p)

Thursday, December 07, 2006

New aim and goal for 'Successful? Why, yes I am' blog

Its 1:12am on a Thursday, and I have this desire to make this blog successful. I want to measure this success by the number of people who will visit and read my thoughts and articles.

So here's my purpose for this blog. I, Faisal, will make two posts per week starting from today, about topics ranging from 'personal development', 'personal finance', 'hobbies', 'every day observations' and things that I'm doing to make myself successful. The way I will ultimately measure this success is through the number of people that pass through here. My aim is to have 500 hits per month by December 2007. I am prepared to give up 4 hours of my time each week to make this happen.

One of the major strategies I will need to undertake not only includes spending more time writing new material and linking to other interesting sites, but also actively posting comments on other people's blogs and forums and going from there.

So lets see if we can get some genuine traffic happening along with people leaving some comments. :)

Lessons in Saving - SMH

An excellent article appeared in todays SMH Money section on saving. Especially saving early.

Click here for article